Wednesday, October 28, 2009

beautiful spent blooms series # 5

these sedum turned brown after they froze.....they look more soft burgandy with the sunlight shining on them. I got out there early enough and to my surprise the frost was still around the edges.....looks like God took his glitter and sprinkled them and what a beautiful sight! I love sedum as they look like tiny little florets.....


Rose ~Victorian Rose ~ said...

How lovely these are...GOD is gracious with his Art.


June said...

Denise they do look like they have been glittered. SO beautiful. I am enjoying all the spent blooms in my garden these days and already dreaming of next summer. Things are definitely spent here.

Anne Lorys said...

Your images are stunning.
Thank you so much for posting on my giveaway. Best of luck!

Sweet Sage said...

Pink AND Glittery .. what could be prettier?!

The Pink Rose Cottage said...

Gorgeous picture Denise! My first thought before I read your post is that they looked sugared. Just beautiful!

Mary Liz Gallery said...

Absolutely beautiiiiful!